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Процессная модель APQC Education (Образование)

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Рисунок 1. Процессы верхнего уровня модели APQC Education

Перечень процессов модели APQC Education приведен ниже.

1. Develop District Vision and Strategy

2. Develop, Deliver and Assess Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction

3. Design and Deliver Student Support Services

4. Design and Manage Operations

5. Manage Student and Stakeholder Relationship and Engagement

6. Develop and Manage Human Capital

7. Manage Information Technology

8. Manage Financial Resources

9. Acquire, Construct and Manage Facilities

10. Manage Enterprise Risk, Compliance and Continuity of Operations (Resiliency)

11. Manage External Relationships

12. Develop and Manage District Capabilities


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